Instructions for installing the IBM AP Manager software version 2.20.2 1. Copy the AP_2202.EXE file into the directory where you wish to extract it. 2. Run the self-extracting file by double-clicking on it with the mouse or highlighting it and pressing enter. 3. Run the setup.exe program by double-clicking on it with the mouse or highlighting it and pressing enter. 4. Click NEXT. 5. Click YES to accept the license agreement. 6. Click Yes to install to the displayed directory. Or click browse, select the desired installation directory, and then click YES. 7. Click YES to accept the displayed program folder name. This is the name of the folder that will appear on your program menu accessible from the start menu. Or type in the desired program folder name and then click YES. 8. Unclick the VIEW README box if you do not wish to see the readme file. 9. Click FINISH to complete the installation.