Readme file for DPUPDATE.EXE ============================ DPUPDATE.EXE is a DOS-bootable disk image for assigning new MAC Addresses to 22P4901 adapters that have the Duplicated MAC address problem. See the Hints and Tips section for 22P4901 for details on the problem. To use this disk image: ======================= Download the disk image. Extract the image into a diskette. With the adapter(s) in the system, boot up the system with the diskette. The update program will execute automatically to assign new MAC addresses for the adapter(s). This program is designed to assign a unique pair of new MAC addresses to each specific adapter based on its previous assignments. And it will detect and not assign new addresses to any adapter that is already updated. Important note: =============== Before running the tool, un-install the adapters completely from the OS. After running the tool, shutdown the system, reboot, and re-install the NICs in the OS.