** WIN 2000 ADSL Driver and Software Installation Instructions ** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a high speed Internet access technology that works over a regular twisted pair telephone line. ADSL coexists with the voice band, allowing the customer to browse the web and talk on the phone at the same time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that this set of drivers supports RFC 2364. Please check with your ISP to find out what protocol they support. Driver Version: Software Version: (1) Go to Start > Programs > TI ADSL > TI ADSL Manager Uninstall. (2) Choose yes to uninstall, and then yes to uninstall drivers and software. (3) Double click on 'w2k_wan.exe'. Driver and application files will be unzipped to 'c:\drivers\network'. (4) Restart the system. (5) When the system reboots, right click on 'My Computer', select 'Manage', and click on the computer icon labeled 'Device Manager' in the left margin. Under 'Network Adapters', verify that 'TI ADSL WAN' is installed and does not have any "yellow bangs". (6) Double click on 'TI3000PM.EXE', located in 'c:\drivers\network'. (7) Configuration icon should be placed on desktop. (8) Double click on this icon, and click 'Next' after verifying that all four steps have been completed. (9) Choose the second option - "My ADSL service provider supplied a file containing my configuration information" - if you have previously installed this software and are in the same service provider area. Choose one of the other two configuration options if you are in a new service area or have new configuration information from your ISP. (10) The software will first look to your 'a' drive, then you will manually point to: C:\Program Files\TI ADSL\services\pconfig.atm. -> this will reinstall your previous service provider settings. Please note that your system may have to reboot at this point. When your system comes back up, a system tray icon with up/down arrows should appear and have a blue color if your card is functioning properly.