-- Commercial Desktop Products -- -- IBM Personal Systems Group - Desktop Systems -- -- Software Engineering Release Notification -- RELEASE SUBJECT ... :: (IBM BETA Internal) and... :: (IBM BETA BBS/WEB External Customer CODE) :: ... NON-GA ENGINEERING SOFTWARE UPDATE DATE OF RELEASE : 12/21/2000 PRODUCT NAME : Matrox Win NT4.0 video driver Version No.# : "(4.72.017)" Notes ToList : IBMBETA Notes Subject : IBMBETA Coral (PWS), Harpoon, Venom, Thor, ZA8T67A.TXT =========================================================================== For USE on the Following Systems ONLY: DEVELOPMENT (DEV) Systems --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model_(s) Description(s) --------- ------------------------------------------------------- Thor --------- ------------------------------------------------------- Venom --------- ------------------------------------------------------- Harpoon --------- ------------------------------------------------------- Coral (PWS) GENERALLY ANOUNCED (GA) Systems --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model_(s) Description(s) =========================================================================== Comments from Development about this Release : "RELEASE COMMENTS:Bugs Fixed.Web released." =========================================================================== NETBIOS Access: the Domain Name is : RALD2CU the Server Name is : RALWWREL then Net Use to : \\ralwwrel\ibmbeta or Net Use to : Standard Files are located : (ZA\ZA8T\ZA8T67) ------------------------------------------------------ (New) Package For The Web (PFTW) Files... (New) For Wintel32 OpSys (Win9x/NTx)... If they exists.... ------------------------------------------------------ ...are located : (ZA\ZA8T\ZA8T67) *************************************************************************** (Type) Files CRC Description of.... ------------ -------- -------------------------------------------------- (Type) Files Description of.... ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ (Zip) (IBMZip or PKZip Zipfile Package) ZA8T67A.ZIP Matrox Win NT4.0 video driver ZIP File 1 OF 1 Special (EXE) (InstallShield or Some Other Special EXE Files) ZA8T67A.exe Matrox Win NT4.0 video driver ZIP EXE File 1 OF 1 ZA8Z67USA.EXE (PFTW) Package For The Web (EXE) file. (RME) (IBM Internal ONLY Readme Files) ZA8T67A.RME This is a (Test Dept.) Readme File =========================================================================== Getting HELP : 1. For Server Access or Problems Contact : Galen Joynes 1-919-543-5879 (GJOYNES at IBMUSM23) (Primary 1) Mike D. Davis 1-919-543-3745 (MDDAVIS at IBMUSM20) (Primary 2) Kimberly Holmes 1-919-254-9881 (HOTDOUG2U at IBMUSM37) (Backup) Please Provide the following information : Request for New Account? (YES/NO) ___ Name: ______________________________ e-mail address: ______________________________ Access Requirements: ______________________________________ Access Justification: ______________________________________ Access Problems: ______________________________________ For NETBIOS Access: LAN logon id: ________ FOR TCP/IP FTP Access: FTP User ID:________ If request for new account, we will contact you about your password. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. For Technical Problems Contact: Developer Email address Responsible Help with ---------------- ------------------- ------------------------------ Todd Wall RTP(RTWALL) Post-GA Device Drivers Richard Pecorella pecorell@us.ibm.com Pre-GA Firegl1/Matrox/STB/Appian/Gloria2 Richard Pecorella pecorell@us.ibm.com Pre-GA Intergrap Mike Shoemaker shoe@us.ibm.com Pre-GA S3/Intel Video/Iomega Zip Gregory Zandt zandt@us.ibm.com Pre-GA Audio DD Marc Pamley mpamley@us.ibm.com Pre-GA E-net/Token Ring Phil Partin ppartin@us.ibm.com Pre-GA SP Mouse David Lowther dlowther@us.ibm.com Pre-GA Adaptec David Lowther dlowther@us.ibm.com Pre-GA Miscellaneous DD Barry Khatri khatri@us.ibm.com IBM/SUREPATH POST/BIOS Wayne Freeman wfreeman@us.ibm.com NON-IBM POST/BIOS Ed Grant ebgrant@us.ibm.com Diagnostics Gary L. Sweet gls@us.ibm.com Preload RTC Mike Shoemaker shoe@us.ibm.com All Via/Intel Security/INFs/Intel Video Dan Petersen danielp@us.ibm.com Modem =========================================================================== CHANGES : Defect Abstract --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 150680 "(12/15)G450:NT4:Avi full-screen causes no signal" 155091 "(12/1) G450:NTTC:Incorrect word in the property and online" 151570 "(12/15):G450:NT4:Screen Noise scrolling Lotus Wordpro 200%" 151571 "(12/15)G450:NT4Screen Noise when scrolling Ichitaro w/800% zoom" 153084 "(12/15)G450:NT4:3-D Pipes screensaver preview delayed." ===========================================================================