H133504 - COSESSION UNINSTALL FAILS ON PC 340 6560 SYMPTOM: IBM PC 340 Series 6560 systems preloaded with Microsoft Windows95 and CoSession may display a "copy error" message when the CoSession Uninstall program is executed. PROBLEM ISOLATION AIDS: When the CoSession Uninstall program is started, the system displays a "copy error" message and states that CoSession will not uninstall. FIX: To resolve this failure, perform the following modification to the UNINSTAL.DAT file located in the C:\CSW directory: 1) Use an editor to open the UNISTAL.DAT file. 2) Locate the APPLICATION section within that file. 3) Change "DefPMGroup=COSW.GRP, IBM Online Housecall" to "DefPMGroup=CSW.GRP, CoSession" The CoSession Uninstall program should now work properly.