H136252 - INSUFFICIENT SPACE CREATING WINDOWS 3.11 BACKUP SYMPTOM: IBM PC 300 Series 6577 or 6587 systems preloaded with DOS and Windows 3.11 may exhibit an "Insufficient Disk Space" error while creating the Windows 3.11 backup via the Diskette Factory. PROBLEM ISOLATION AIDS: The "insufficient disk space" error may occur during the creation of Diskette #2 as the system is copying XGA.DL_ from the hardfile to the diskette. FIX: If the error occurs, exit the Diskette Factory and perform the following steps: 1) Open a DOS session and ENTER the following commands: CD\DISKETTS\WIN311\DISK_W2 DELETE NW40.HL_ 2) Exit the DOS session, restart the Diskette Factory and create the Windows 3.11 backup diskettes. Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.